This may not be new to some of you about owning small New World primates like marmosets and tamarins. A lot of people here suggest not owning one as a pet because they’re hard to care for. Well, I’ve got 15 marmosets and tamarins myself, and I’d say it’s not as difficult as people make it out to be. I don’t think it’s 9/10 hard when it comes to taking care of them.
It’s actually a lot easier to own these monkeys now. Mazuri released a zoo-grade food for them, and there’s also NutriGel, a supplement for monkeys. So, it’s not too hard, but getting them when they’re about 30 days old can be tricky. You have to be careful with the milk you feed them. Spoiled milk can cause a really bad bacteria infection in their stomach, and that can kill them within a week.
To avoid this, make sure the breeders tell you their feeding schedule. They should tell you exactly how many times they feed the monkeys each day and how much milk they give each time. If they don’t know this, don’t buy from them.
My main concern is how do you get one ethically? Very few people breed them around here, and tamarins have been at risk for a long time because of the pet trade.
Cade said:
My main concern is how do you get one ethically? Very few people breed them around here, and tamarins have been at risk for a long time because of the pet trade.
Not sure where you’re from, but here in Asia, marmosets and tamarins have been bred for 18 years. It’s not hard to find them here. For tamarins, only the cotton-top tamarin is endangered according to CITES. Even then, people can get a permit to own, breed, or sell one. CITES is a very serious organization (I used to work there), so they definitely don’t ignore illegal pet trade animals in their Appendix I.
Cade said: @Clarke
I just read that Lion Tamarins recently came off the endangered list, but I’m not sure.
Oh, my bad! There are actually three tamarins in CITES Appendix I: Golden Head, Lion, and Cotton-Top Tamarins. So, they are endangered, but you can still apply for a permit to own one.
Cade said: @Clarke
Ok… Well, if they’re not endangered anymore, I guess it’s less of an issue. Still, the pet trade has caused problems for some species.
I’d say it’s more about hunting and deforestation, personally.