Should I get a pet tarantula or corn snake? …Which one is better?

I’ve never had an exotic pet before, so I’m trying to decide between a tarantula and a corn snake. Anyone have advice on which one would be better? I could really use some suggestions!

If you want a pet that you can actually interact with, go for the corn snake. But if you want a fun pet to just observe most of the time, a tarantula is the way to go.

These are two very different animals with different care needs. Snakes generally are more interactive and personable. Tarantulas, though, are super easy to care for. Most of them just need a small tank and don’t need special heating or misting. They also don’t eat much. The downside is that tarantulas are usually shy and don’t like being handled like a snake might.

Can you not get both?

Thanks for the response! I would love to get both, but I’m not sure if both enclosures will fit in my room. I’m only 16, so I don’t have my own house yet.

Zion said:
Thanks for the response! I would love to get both, but I’m not sure if both enclosures will fit in my room. I’m only 16, so I don’t have my own house yet.

It just comes down to what you’re looking for in a pet and how involved you want to be with its care. Snakes are more active and easier to handle, but their care is a bit trickier. Tarantulas are much lower maintenance but still rewarding. And keep in mind that with a tarantula, you’ll also need to care for feeder insects.

It depends. Do you want a pet to handle? If yes, then a corn snake is the way to go. Do you have any experience with either? If not, I’d recommend a snake.