What’s better to keep… Guinea pigs, ferrets, or prairie dogs?

I’m trying to decide between guinea pigs, ferrets, and prairie dogs. What are the pros and cons of each? Which one would you recommend as a pet?

Those are three totally different animals, and each has its own behavior and needs. You’d have to look into their care to see which fits your lifestyle.

Yeah, they’re all super different. A ferret won’t need the same type of enclosure as a guinea pig, and you’d handle them differently too. A ferret might be perfect for one person but really not work for someone else.

It really depends, but I’d say ferrets are my favorite.

They all need different care. My prairie dogs were incredible pets. They were super attached to us and lived over 10 years (except one who passed at 6 due to a tumor). But dealing with their rut season can be tough. I got some nasty bites from my big boy during his first few years of rut. Also, finding a vet for them can be tricky. I got lucky because my vet also treated prairie dogs at the zoo.