What’s the story with Nudy the Nutria?

I’m curious about the situation with Nudy the Nutria in Louisiana. How did the family get permission to keep their pet nutria, even though it was obtained illegally? Anyone know the details?

"After getting a lawyer involved, the Lacostes and Wildlife and Fisheries worked something out.

“It’s fine; they worked with us. They were nice and polite. We never had any problems, just had to get through some legal stuff.”

So in this unusual case, Nudy gets to stay with the family."

This was taken from an article. But none of the articles I’ve seen explain why Wildlife and Fisheries changed their minds or what the exact agreement was.

Nutria aren’t native animals, so I’m not sure why it would be illegal unless Louisiana has specific laws about exotic rodents. They actually tame down really well.