Anyone have experience with armadillos? Need some ideas!

My university’s mini zoo has an armadillo in its exotic animal section. Does anyone here have any tips on enrichment ideas or toy suggestions? I’d love to make its space more engaging!

I’d steer clear of armadillos myself, and there’s a good reason. They’re actually protected animals in some places. In the past, they used to be sold as stuffed souvenirs in the South, but a lot of people got sick—health officials traced it back to the armadillos. Turns out they sometimes dig around graveyards and feed on what they find. Not the best pet idea, in my opinion.

Not all armadillo species are protected, actually. And if it’s in a zoo, it’s most likely from a breeder, so it wouldn’t be exposed to any of that stuff. It’s pretty different than a wild one.

I’ve seen videos where they play with little squeaky toys or plushies, especially ones that roll. They seem to enjoy chasing and grabbing them! I think those treat-dispensing balls, where snacks come out as they roll, could be fun for it too. Also, there are small rugs with lots of fabric strips where you can hide treats. It gives them a chance to dig and find the goodies! I had an opossum once, and she loved mealworms and freeze-dried yogurt treats in her toy!

They go nuts for Easter eggs with treats hidden inside. You might want to give that a try!

Guess you could always go down to the local armadillo store and see what’s in stock…