Which countries let you own a Virginia Opossum or Raccoon?

Hey, I’m curious about which countries let you own exotic pets like Virginia Opossums, Raccoons, Ferrets, and Skunks. I’m looking for a place to live outside the US that would allow me to have these pets. I’m hoping to avoid third-world countries.

If you’re thinking about moving to another country, I’d say the legality of exotic pets shouldn’t be your top priority. But just to let you know, ferrets are legal in Canada. The other animals you mentioned are usually protected wild animals, so you’d need a special license as a wildlife rehabber to handle them.

Are you someone with any training or certifications related to these animals? Also, are you planning to move to another continent?

I think the main thing you need to consider is how you got your opossum. If you took it from the wild, that could be illegal. Even in places where it’s legal to own one as a pet, it’s usually illegal to take them from the wild, no matter the reason. If your opossum isn’t legal, you won’t be able to bring it with you to another country. If you somehow manage to get it out of the country, it’s still illegal to have an undocumented animal abroad. The rules about importing animals are super strict. Your raccoon needs to be fully legit too — vaccinated, etc. Prove it doesn’t have rabies or any other illnesses that would stop it from being able to travel. Just a heads-up, it’s probably unlikely that you got this animal legally.

I think China might allow foxes, but I’m not sure about opossums and raccoons. I’m kind of in the same boat, trying to find a place with good healthcare, LGBTQIA+ safety, and where I can have some exotic pets. It’s tough to find the right fit. I mean, sure, I could work at a sanctuary for non-rehabilitatable animals, but that’s not really the same. Maybe I’m asking for too much from this world.